Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


This program involves live together, care for and learn about elephants. Your elephant will depend on you to care for them and show them the love they deserve and we'll show you how. It doesn't take long to realize how unique each of our elephants and their personality will delight and touch your heart. You will learn all the basics of a charmer, riding, feeding, watering and even elephants bathing in a river. Because of the diversity of activities at the Elephant kraal you will be able to experience many unique side of elephant life and culture.

You will issue a comprehensive guidebook that covers all sorts of useful information. Topics include, caring for your elephants, riding techniques, command elephant, elephant facts, history and culture. You will also receive a team t-shirt Elephant large member.

You will work with the largest animal in the world. By learning to look after them, feeding, watering and bathing you will have the opportunity to create your own relationship with them. individuality they will teach you about how important it is to contribute to their survival.

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